Seller: Electro Rent
Location: U.K.
Location: USA
Seller: Valuetronics International Inc
Seller: Rosenkranz Elektronik
Location: Germany
Seller: Liberty Test Equipment, Inc.
Seller: Test Equipment Experts
Seller: Instrumex GmbH
Seller: NSCA Technologies LLC
Seller: Western Test Systems
The Agilent 8762A, 8762B, and 8762C are single-pole doublethrow switches with high isolation, >100 dB at 4 GHz for the A model, >90 dB at 18 GHz for the B model and >50 dB at 26.5 GHz for the C model. All models terminate the unused port with 50 Ω.
The 8762B offers excellent electrical and mechanical performance with broadband operation, high isolation, low SWR, long life, and exceptional repeatability.