Seller: Alltest
Location: USA
Seller: NSCA Technologies LLC
The Model 141T is designed for use as a display section for the HP Model 141T/8550-series plug-in spectrum analyzer and as an oscilloscope when used with HP Model 1400-series plug-ins. The instrument has variable persistence (duration of trace afterglow) and storage of CRT displays. Persistence is variable from 0.2 second to more than 60 seconds. A display can be stored (at reduced intensity) for more than hours or displayed at normal intensity for up to 1 minute. Stored displays can be erased in 350 milliseconds.
Variable persistence is especially useful for viewing slow-sweep signals. Display persistence of swept frequency and time domain reflectometry measurement readouts can be adjusted to eliminate flicker and still provide high resolution.
The storage feature of the instrument can be used to store single-shot waveforms and to later view or photograph the phenomena. Comparison of waveforms can be accomplished by storing several displays separately and then viewing them simultaneously.
The instrument accepts all HP Model 1400 series plug-in units.
Amplifiers with bandwidths to 20 MHz and sensitivities to 100 microvolts per division are available as well as time domain reflectometry and swept frequency indicator units.