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Categories: Oscilloscopes, Analog Oscilloscopes
Manufacturer: Keysight Technologies (Agilent HP)
Model: 1740A
Condition: Used
Seller: BRL Test, Inc.
1740A - Keysight / Agilent Analog Oscilloscopes
The HP 1740A is a dual-channel, 100-MHz, delayed-sweep oscilloscope designed for general purpose bench or field use.
The dual-channel dc to 100 MHz vertical deflection system has 12 calibrated deflection factors from 5 mV/div to 20 V/div. A maximum sensitivity of 1 mV/div to 40 MHz is provided on both channels by means of a 5X vertical magnification. Selectable input impedance of either 50 Ω or 1 MΩ permits you to select the impedance that best meets your measurement application.
The horizontal deflection system has calibrated sweep rates from 2 s/div to 0.05 µs/div and delayed-sweep rates from 20 ms/div to 0.05 µs/div. A 10X magnifier expands all sweeps by a factor of 10 and extends the fastest sweep to 5 ns/div.
In alternate or chop modes, a trigger-view control will display three signals: the channel A signal, the channel B signal, and the trigger signal. This lets you correlate the time between the trigger signal and the channel A and channel B signals. In trigger-view operation, center screen represents the trigger threshold point, letting you see the triggering level location.
With the A VS B control, an X-Y mode of operation is possible. The channel A input (Y-axis) is plotted versus the channel B input (X-axis).
The CRT has 8 cm x 10 cm major divisions on an internal graticule.
Seller Amabile Electronic Test LLC
Seller Test Equipment Experts
Seller Testwall Ltd
Seller NSCA Technologies LLC
Used-Line Dealer since : 2004
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
1740A Keysight Agilent Analog Oscilloscopes