Seller: Rosenkranz Elektronik
Location: Germany
The HP 44706A is an analog signal multiplexer used to switch signals from up to 60 single-ended inputs for measurement by model 3852A voltmeter accessories or by external voltmeters. This accessory provides switching capability for up to 60 single-ended inputs at scanning speeds up to 450 channels/second using 3852A voltmeters. The accessory can switch signals up to 30 Vdc or 30 Vrms (42 Vpeak).
The 44706A consists of a component module and a 60-channel terminal module. Field wiring from user sources, such as voltage sources, is connected to the terminal module, and signals are sent to the switches on the component module. Each channel on the 44706A can be independently configured to allow multiple functions to be measured using the same accessory.