We’re sorry but the Aim-TTI TGA1244 is not currently listed for sale on Used-Line.
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Here’s some important info about the product you searched for:
Aim-TTI TGA1244 (TGA1240 Series) Main Features and Specifications
40MHz clock speed & 12-bit vertical resolution
16MHz function generator capabilities using DDS
Multiple "standard" waveforms including sine, square,
triangle, ramp, pulse and sin(x)/x
256k point waveform memory fitted as standard
Complex waveform sequencing and looping
Pulse train pattern generation for up to 10 pulses
Built-in trigger generator, gated & triggered burst modes
Interfaceable via RS-232 or GPIB (IEEE-488.2)
"Waveform Manager Plus" for Windows software included
4 channels - indelendent or linked
Inter-channel triggering, summing & phase control
Extra capabilities such as precision DTMF generation