Seller: BRL Test, Inc.
Location: USA
Our Model 4500E Step Generator is a fast, 100 ps risetime, high amplitude, 35 V step generator. The amplitude can be adjusted from 35 V to 3.5 mV in 1 dB steps with microwave quality step attenuators. Special attention was given in the design to provide extremely stable pulses and the timing jitter is only 1.5 ps rms. The 4500E is supplied with a charge line that produces a step with a 20 ns duration. The step duration can be set from 1 ns to 250 ns by using custom charge lines.
Slower risetimes can be obtained by externally attaching a risetime filter. Impulses can be created by adding one of our Impulse Forming Networks.
With the addition of optional accessories, other pulse waveforms may also be obtained. A negative polarity pulse can be obtained by using a Model 5100 Inverting Transformer. DC offset can be accomplished with a Model 5550B Bias Tee.