Seller: Test Equipment Connection Corp.
Location: USA
Seller: Liberty Test Equipment, Inc.
Seller: Alltest
Seller: Valuetronics International Inc
Seller: Testwall Ltd
Location: Ireland
The HP 83545A plug-in features high performance 5.9-12.4 GHz frequency coverage with exceptionally high output power. Frequency outputs are accurate to within ±20 MHz. The output power is internally leveled to at least 17 dBm, with power variations less than 0.6 dB. The calibrated output power has a range of 15 dB, which is expandable to >80 dB with Option 002 (70 dB step attenuator). A power sweep function is available for power response measurements. The frequency output is accurate to 20 MHz with excellent stability and linearity (typically 0.1%). Network analysis is simplified since the 83545A provides 27.8 kHz internal modulation for direct compatibility with the HP 8756A and the HP 8757A scalar network analyzers, and it is also directly compatible with the HP 8510 and the HP 8410C network analyzers. The 83545A provides slope compensation and complete HP-IB programmability.