Seller: Alltest
Location: USA
Seller: NSCA Technologies LLC
Seller: Test Equipment Experts
Seller: Test Equipment Connection Corp.
Seller: Valuetronics International Inc
The Agilent 70820A microwave transition analyzer module is a two-channel sampler-based time-domain instrument for making stimulus-response measurements from dc to 40 GHz. It makes CW and pulse-RF measurements, specializing in measuring fast magnitude and phase transitions. It is ideal for characterizing components and systems in a benchtop environment. You can measure magnitude and phase settling times, rise and fall times, time delay, peak and average power, group delay, AM to PM conversion, analysis of AM, FM, and PM on RF carriers and much, much more. All functions of the Agilent 70820A are programmable. In addition, custom application-specific interfaces can be developed for Agilent Instrument BASIC and run internally. This use of IBASIC eliminates the need for an external controller in many applications.