67 Visitors viewed BRL Test, Inc. ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: Generators, Pulse Generators
Manufacturer: Picosecond Pulse Labs
Model: 4005
Condition: Used
Seller: BRL Test, Inc.
4005 - Picosecond Pulse Labs Pulse Generators
The Model 4005 calibration source produces an ultra-fast pulse with 9 ps falltime into an AC or DC coupled 50 ohm load. The pulse is generated in an external pulse head that is attached to the main unit via a coaxial cable. This allows the pulse head to be directly connected where it is needed, eliminating the risetime slowing effects of interconnecting coaxial cables. Pulse heads are interchangeable and available with fixed pulse amplitudes of 300 mV to 5V.
Used-Line Dealer since : 2004
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
Picosecond Pulse Labs 4005