138 Visitors viewed NSCA Technologies LLC ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: T&M, Resistors
Manufacturer: IFI (Instruments For Industry)
Condition: Used
Seller: NSCA Technologies LLC
ESI (Electro Scientific Industries) SR1010-10K Decade Resistor
The esi SR1010 transfer standards consist of 12 equal resistance steps.These standards can be connected to provide three decade values: 10 resistors in series, 10R: 9 resistors in series—parallel, 1R: and 10 resistors in parallel, R/10. The part per million accuracy is assured as the series value is equal to 100 times the parallel value to better than 1 ppm. The series—parallel value relative to either the series value or the parallel value can be found to better than 1 ppm by making a 1:1 comparison with the remaining tenth resistor and a simple calculation.The accuracy and precision of the individual resistors also make the esi SR1010 transfer standards ideal for use as amulti-value standard resistor or reference voltage divider.
Used-Line Dealer since : 2000
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
ESI Electro Scientific Industries SR1010