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Categories: Probes, FET Probes
Manufacturer: Tektronix
Model: P6205
Condition: Used
Seller: NSCA Technologies LLC
Tektronix P6205 Active FET Probe
Tektronix P6205 Probe is part of Tektronix’ line of Low Circuit Loading Signal Acquisition probes for CSA (Communications Signal Analyzers), DSA (Digitizing Signal Analyzers), 11000 Series and the TDS Family of Oscilloscopes. The P6205 is designed with FET devices for its inputs, which allows very high input resistance values and low input capacitances.
Probe information such as type, serial number, attenuation factor, offset scale factor, input resistance and termination resistance required is communicated through the TEKPROBE Interface between the Active Probe and the CSA, DSA and 11000 Series mainframes. This information is used by these oscilloscope mainframes during the scope initialization sequence and measurement analysis.
The Tektronix P6205 FET probe is an active 10X-attenuating probe that is compatible with Tektronix TDS 500 Series, DSA 600 Series, 11000 Series, and CSA 404 oscilloscopes and plug-in units.
The P6205 probe provides high-frequency measurement capability without the capacitive loading and performance limitations inherent in passive resistive-divider type probes. FETs are used in the P6205 to establish the characteristic high input impedance at high frequency of an active probe. The P6205 features a 750 MHz bandwidth with an input impedance of 1 MΩ in parallel with 2 pF. You must terminate the P6205 probe output into 50 Ω.
The P6205 includes the TEKPROBE™ Level 2 interface. When used with a fully TEKPROBE interface-compatible oscilloscope, the P6205 probe is powered by the host instrument and provides the oscilloscope with the probe model number, serial number, and attenuation factor. When installed on a fully compatible oscilloscope, the oscilloscope channel input is automatically set to 50 Ω and the display readouts are corrected for the probe attenuation factor.
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Used-Line Dealer since : 2000
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Tektronix P6205