Omicron Lab Bode-100 Overview
The multifunctional Bode 100 Vector Network Analyzer system is comprised of a flexible hardware design and the Bode Analyzer Suite for Windows. Because of its outstanding price-performance ratio the system is ideal for industrial applications as well as research and educational labs.
The Bode 100 is a vector network analyzer, gain phase meter, impedance meter, and sine wave generator, all in one compact, cost effective test set. Bode100
- The frequency range 1 Hz - 40 MHz is ideal for LF, audio, video and RF application
- The accuracy makes it perfect for R&D labs, manufacturing and training
- The compact lightweight design is perfect for service and maintenance purposes
- The automation interface fits the needs of production fields
- The price / performance value benefits professionals such as engineers, scientists and teachers engaged in the field of electronics
- With the Bode 100, you can measure
- complex gain of amplifiers and filters
- influence of termination on amplifiers or filters
- complex impedance and admittance
- reflection coefficient and return loss
- frequency dependent impedance of high-Q circuits like oscillating crystals
- reflection of a circuit, and display in a Smith chart and/or reflection of antennas and display in VSWR format
- swept S-parameters of electronic circuits (filters, amplifiers, bipolar transistors)
- Bode plots of control circuits
- group delay characteristics of your DUT
- stability analysis of open loops (Nyquist criterion)
Frequency range 1 Hz to 50 MHz
Waveform Sinusoidal
Signal level range -30 dBm to 13 dBm, 0.007 VRMS to 1 VRMS (at 50 Ohm load)
Source level accuracy ± 0.3 dB (1 Hz to 1 MHz), ± 0.6 dB (1 MHz to 50 MHz)
Source level frequency response (flatness) ± 0.3 dB (typical, referring to 10 MHz)
Frequency accuracy after adjustment ± 2 ppm ± quantisation error ( = 0.5 · step size )
Frequency stability ± 2 ppm (< 1 year after adjustment), ± 4 ppm (< 3 years after adjustment)
Frequency step size / resolution 0.00605 Hz (1 Hz to 100 Hz), 0.03632 Hz (100 Hz to 50 MHz)
Source impedance: 50 Ohm
Return loss (1 Hz to 50 MHz) > 30 dB, > 35 dB (typical)
Spurious signals & harmonics < -55 dBc (typical)
Connector type BNC
OL000150 Active Differential Probe 10:1/100:1, 25M
OL000151 B-WIT 100 Wideband Injection Transformer
OL000152 B-SMC Impedance Adapter
OL000153 B-WIC Impedance Adapter
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