118 Visitors viewed Rosenkranz Elektronik ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: Meters, Wattmeters
Manufacturer: IRD
Condition: Used
Seller: Rosenkranz Elektronik
Bird 43 Opts: Boxed Set, incl. 8065,4275-020,4410-2;-4;-5;-6;-8
The Model 43 THRULINE?? Directional Wattmeter accurately measures forward or reflected power in coaxial transmission lines under any load condition. Each Model 43 consists of a line section, ???QC??? (Quick Change) connectors and an indication meter housed in a rugged, corrosion-resistant aluminum case. The line section is a high-precision 50-ohm coaxial air line that inserts between the transmitter and the antenna or load. A socket is provided in each line section for a plug-in element with the desired power rating and frequency range. Line section ends are equipped with ???QC???-type connectors. The Model 43 is supplied with two female ???N???-type ???QC??? connectors. These con- nectors can be interchanged in the field without affecting instrument calibration. The instrument???s indicating meter is a shock-mounted 30-microampere meter with scales of 25, 50, and 100; permitting full-scale direct-power...Option: Boxed Set, incl. 8065,4275-020,4410-2;-4;-5;-6;-8
Used-Line Dealer since : 2000
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
IRD 43