239 Visitors viewed Test Equipment Connection Corp. ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: Analyzers Logic, Tek Logic Analyzer Modules
Manufacturer: Tektronix
Model: TLA7AA4
Condition: Used
Seller: Test Equipment Connection Corp.
Tektronix TLA7AA4 Logic Analyzer Module, 136 channel Logic Analyzer module, 8 GHz timing
Logic Analyzer Module, 136 channel Logic Analyzer module, 8 GHz timing, 120 MHz state Todays digital design engineers face dailypressures to speed new products to themarketplace. The TLA7Axx Series logicanalyzer modules answer the need withbreakthrough solutions for the entiredesign team, providing the ability toquickly monitor, capture and analyzereal-time digital system operation in orderto debug, verify, optimize and validatedigital systems. Hardware developers, hardware/softwareintegrators and embedded softwaredevelopers will appreciate the range ofcapabilities of the TLA7Axx Series logicanalyzer modules. Its broad feature setincludes capturing and correlating elusivehardware and software faults; providingsimultaneous state, high-speed timing,and analog analysis through the sameprobe; using deep state acquisition tofind the cause of complex problems; realtime,non-intrusive software execution tracing that correlates to source code andto hardware events; and non-intrusiveconnectorless probing. The TLA7Axx Series logic analyzer modulesoffer Tektronix breakthrough MagniVutechnology for providing high-speedsampling (up to 8 GHz) that dramaticallychanges the way logic analyzers workand enables them to provide startlingnew measurement capabilities. The TLA7Axx modules offer high-speedstate synchronous capture, high-speedtiming capture and analog capturethrough the samRefurbished
Seller Amabile Electronic Test LLC
Seller Test Equipment Experts
Seller BRL Test, Inc.
Seller Liberty Test Equipment, Inc.
Used-Line Dealer since : 2000
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Tektronix TLA7AA4