Seller: Instrumex GmbH
Location: Germany
Seller: Liberty Test Equipment, Inc.
Location: USA
Seller: Valuetronics International Inc
The HP 44421A (Option 10) is a 20-channel analog signal multiplexer assembly that is used to switch (multiplex) signals from up to 20 channels to the 3497A DVM or to other assemblies or instruments. Each of the 20 channels consists of three reed-actuated relays, one each for High, Low, and Guard lines. The channels are organized into two decades of 10 channels - one channel can be closed in each decade. Relays can be closed in a random fashion or can be incremented between programmable limits.
Because the 20-channel relay multiplexer has low thermal offset characteristics, this assembly is ideal for precise low-level measurements of transducers and temperature measuring devices. Since two channels (one per decade) can be closed at a time, one Option 010 assembly can be used to make four-terminal resistance measurements.