The RSA6000 Series replaces conventional high-performance signal analyzers, offering the measurement confidence and functionality you demand for everyday tasks. A typical 20 dBm TOI and –151 dBm/Hz DANL at 2 GHz gives you the dynamic range you expect for challenging spectrum analysis measurements. All analysis is fully preselected and image free. The RSA6000 Series uses broadband preselection filters that are always in the signal path. You never have to compromise between dynamic range and analysis bandwidth by ‘switching out the preselector’.
- 20 dBm 3rd Order Intercept at 2 GHz, Typical
- Displayed Average Noise Level –151 dBm/Hz at 2 GHz (–167 dBm/Hz, Preamp On, typical) enables Low-level Signal Search
- ±0.5 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy to 3 GHz for High Measurement Confidence
- Fully Preselected and Image Free at All Times for Maximum Dynamic Range at Any Acquisition Bandwidth
- Fastest High-resolution Sweep Speed: 1 GHz sweep in 10 kHz RBW in less than 1 second
- Internal Preamp up to 20 GHz
A complete toolset of power and signal statistics measurements is standard, including Channel Power, ACLR, CCDF, Occupied Bandwidth, AM/FM/PM, and Spurious measurements. Available Phase Noise and General Purpose Modulation Analysis measurements round out the expected set of high-performance analysis tools.
The patented DPX® spectrum processing engine brings live analysis of transient events to spectrum analyzers. Performing up to 292,968 frequency transforms per second, transients of a minimum event duration of 3.7 μs in length are displayed in the frequency domain. This is orders of magnitude faster than swept analysis techniques. Events can be color coded by rate of occurrence onto a bitmapped display, providing unparalleled insight into transient signal behavior. The DPX spectrum processor can be swept over the entire frequency range of the instrument, enabling broadband transient capture previously unavailable in any spectrum analyzer. In applications that require only spectral information, the RSA6000 Series provides gap-free spectral recording, replay, and analysis of up to 60,000 spectral traces. Spectrum recording resolution is variable from 110 μs to 6400 s per line, allowing multiple days of recording time.
- DPX® Spectrum Processing provides an Intuitive Understanding of Time-varying RF Signals with Color-graded Displays based on Frequency of Occurrence
- Revolutionary DPX Displays Transients with a Minimum Event Duration of 3.7 µs
- Swept DPX Spectrum enables Unprecedented Signal Discovery over Full Instrument Span
Tektronix has a long history of innovative triggering capability, and the RSA Series spectrum analyzers lead the industry in triggered signal analysis. The RSA6000 Series provides unique triggers essential for troubleshooting modern digitally implemented RF systems. Trigger types include time-qualified power, runt, density, and frequency mask.
- Trigger on Frequency Edge or Power Level Transients with a Minimum Event Duration of 3.7 μs in the Frequency Domain, 9.1 ns in Time Domain
- DPX Density™ Trigger Activated Directly from DPX Display
- Time-qualified and Runt Triggers Trap Elusive Transients
- Frequency Mask Trigger Captures Any Change in Frequency Domain
Capture once – make multiple measurements without recapturing. All signals in an acquisition bandwidth are recorded into the RSA6000 Series deep memory. Record lengths vary depending upon the selected acquisition bandwidth – up to 7.15 seconds at 110 MHz, 343.5 seconds at 1 MHz, or 6.1 hours at 10 kHz bandwidth with Deep Memory (Option 53). Real-time capture of small signals in the presence of large signals is enabled with 73 dB SFDR in all acquisition bandwidths, even up to 110 MHz (Option 110). Acquisitions of any length can stored in MATLAB™ Level 5 format for offline analysis.
- Up to 7.15 s Acquisitions at 110 MHz Bandwidth can be Directly Stored as MATLAB™ Compatible Files
- Gap-free DPX Spectrogram Records up to 4444 Days of Spectral Information for Analysis and Replay
- Interfaces with TekConnect® Probes for RF Probing
The RSA6000 Series offers analysis capabilities that advance productivity for engineers working on components or in RF system design, integration, and performance verification, or operations engineers working in networks, or spectrum management. In addition to spectrum analysis, spectrograms display both frequency and amplitude changes over time. Time-correlated measurements can be made across the frequency, phase, amplitude, and modulation domains. This is ideal for signal analysis that includes frequency hopping, pulse characteristics, modulation switching, settling time, bandwidth changes, and intermittent signals.
- Time-correlated Multidomain Displays for Quicker Understanding of Cause and Effect when Troubleshooting
- Power, Spectrum, and Statistics Measurements help you Characterize Components and Systems: Channel Power, ACLR, Power vs. Time, CCDF, OBW/EBW, and Spur Search
- AM/FM/PM Modulation and Audio Measurements (Option 10)
- Phase Noise and Jitter Measurements (Option 11)
- Settling Time Measurements, Frequency, and Phase (Option 12)
- Pulse Measurements (Option 20) – Over 20 Vector and Scalar Parameters including Rise Time, Pulse Width, Pulse-to-Pulse Phase provide Deep Insight into Pulse Train Behavior
- General Purpose Digital Modulation Analysis (Option 21) provides Vector Signal Analyzer Functionality for Over 20 Modulation Types
- Flexible OFDM analysis of 802.11a/g/j/p and WiMAX 802.16-2004
Specifications for the RSA6106B:
- Frequency Range: 9 kHz to 6.2 GHz
- Center Frequency Setting Resolution: 0.1 Hz
- Reference Output Level: >0 dBm (internal reference selected)
- Reference Output Level (Loopthrough): 0 dB nominal gain from Ext Ref In to Ref Output, +15 dBm max output
- External Reference Input Frequencies: 1 to 25 MHz (1 MHz steps) + 1.2288 MHz, 4.8 MHz, 19.6608 MHz, 31.07 MHz
- Spurious: < –80 dBc within 100 kHz offset to avoid on-screen spurious
- Input level range: –10 dBm to +6 dBm
- Real-time Acquisition Bandwidth: 40 MHz (110 MHz, Option 110)
- A/D Converter: 100 MS/s 14 bit (optional 300 MS/s, 14 bit, Option 110)
- Acquisition Memory Size: 1 GB (4 GB, Option 53)
- Minimum Acquisition Length: 64 Samples
- Acquisition Length Setting Resolution: 1 Sample
- Fast Frame Acquisition Mode: >64,000 records can be stored in a single acquisition (for pulse measurements and spectrogram analysis)
- Resolution Bandwidth Range (Spectrum Analysis): 0.1 Hz to 8 MHz, 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz (Option 110)
- Resolution Bandwidth Shape: Approximately Gaussian, shape factor 4.1:1 (60:3 dB) ±10%, typical
- Video Bandwidth Range: 1 Hz to 10 MHz plus wide open
- RBW/VBW Maximum: 10,000:1
- RBW/VBW Minimum: 1:1 plus wide open
- Resolution: 5% of entered value
- Amplitude Measurement Range: Displayed average noise level to maximum measurable input
- Input Attenuator Range: 0 dB to 75 dB, 5 dB step
- Maximum Safe Input Level
- Average Continuous (RF ATT ≥10 dB, Preamp Off): +30 dBm
- Average Continuous (RF ATT ≥10 dB, Preamp On): Option 50 Preamp On: +20 dBm, Option 51 Preamp On: +30 dBm
- Pulsed RF (RF ATT ≥30 dB, PW <5 μs, 0.5% Duty Cycle): 75 W
- Maximum Measurable Input Level
- Average Continuous (RF ATT: Auto): +30 dBm
- Pulsed RF (RF ATT: Auto, PW <5 μs, 0.5% Duty Cycle): 75 W
- Maximum DC Voltage: ±40 V
- Log Display Range: 0.01 dBm/div to 20 dB/div
- Display Divisions: 10 divisions
- Display Units: dBm, dBmV, Watts, Volts, Amps, dBuW, dBuV, dBuA, dBW, dBV, dBV/m, and dBA/m
- Reference Level Setting Range: 0.1 dB step, –170 dBm to +50 dBm (minimum reference level –50 dBm at center frequency <80 MHz)
- Frequency Response (18 °C to 28 °C, Atten = 10 dB, Preamp Off)
- 10 MHz - 3 GHz: ±0.5 dB
- >3 GHz - 6.2 GHz: ±0.8 dB
- VSWR (Atten = 10 dB, Preamp Off, CF set within 200 MHz of VSWR Test Frequency)
- 10 MHz to 4 GHz: <1.5:1
- 4 GHz to 6.2 GHz: <1.6:1
- DANL, Preamp Off
- 9 kHz to 10 MHz: -99 dBm/Hz (-102 dBm/Hz, typical)
- >10 MHz to 100 MHz: -149 dBm/Hz (-151 dBm/Hz, typical)
- >100 MHz to 2.3 GHz: -151 dBm/Hz (-153 dBm/Hz, typical)
- >2.3 GHz to 4 GHz: -149 dBm/Hz (-151 dBm/Hz, typical)
- >4 GHz to 6.2 GHz: -145 dBm/Hz (-147 dBm/Hz, typical)
- Third Order Intermodulation Distortion (typical)
- 9 kHz to 100 MHz: -77 dBc
- 100 MHz to 3 GHz: -80 dBc
- 3 GHz to 6.2 GHz: -84 dBc
- Third Order Intercept
- 9 kHz to 100 MHz: 13.5 dBm
- 100 MHz to 3 GHz: 15 dBm
- 3 GHz to 6.2 GHz: 17 dBm
- Trigger Modes: Free Run, Triggered, FastFrame
- Trigger Event Source: RF Input, Trigger 1 (Front Panel), Trigger 2 (Rear Panel), Gated, Line
- Trigger Types: Power (Std.), Frequency Mask (Option 52), Frequency Edge, DPX Density, Runt, Time Qualified
- Power Level Trigger
- Level Range: 0 dB to –100 dB from reference level
- Trigger Bandwidth Range (at maximum acquisition BW): 4 kHz to 20 MHz + wide open (standard); 11 kHz to 60 MHz + wide open (Option 110)
- Trigger Output
- High Voltage, Output Current <1 mA: >2.0 V
- Low Voltage, Output Current <1 mA: <0.4 V (LVTTL)
- Output impedance: 50 Ω (nominal)
- Inputs and Outputs
- Display: Touch panel, 10.4 inch (264 mm)
- Front Panel Planar Crown™ RF Input Connector: Type-N
- Front Panel Trigger Out: BNC, High: >2.0 V, Low: <0.4 V, output current 1 mA (LVTTL), 50 Ω
- Front Panel Trigger In: BNC, 50 Ω/5 kΩ impedance (nominal), ±5 V max input, –2.5 V to +2.5 V trigger level
- Front Panel USB Ports: 1 USB 2.0, 1 USB 1.1
- Front Panel Audio: Speaker
- Rear Panel 10 MHz REF OUT: 50 Ω, BNC, >0 dBm
- Rear Panel External REF IN: 50 Ω, BNC, –10 dBm - +6 dBm, 1 to 25 MHz in 1 MHz steps, plus 1.2288, 4.8, 19.6608, and 31.07 MHz
- Rear Panel Trig 2 / Gate IN: BNC, High: 1.6 to 5.0 V, Low: 0 to 0.5 V
- Rear Panel GPIB Interface: IEEE 488.2
- Rear Panel LAN Interface Ethernet: RJ45, 10/100/1000BASE-T
- Rear Panel USB Ports: USB 2.0, two ports
- Rear Panel VGA Output: VGA compatible, 15 DSUB
- Rear Panel Audio Out: 3.5 mm headphone jack
- Rear Panel Noise Source Drive: BNC, +28 V, 140 mA (nominal)