239 Visitors viewed Test Equipment Connection Corp. ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: Meters, Wattmeters
Manufacturer: Clarke-Hess
Condition: Used
Seller: Test Equipment Connection Corp.
Clarke Hess 2330 Watt Meter The Model 2330 Sampling Watt Meter is a precision, high
Watt Meter The Model 2330 Sampling Watt Meter is a precision, high accuracy, auto-ranging watt meter which simultaneously measures and displays true rms Voltage, true rms Current and true mean Power over a frequency range from dc to more than 600kHz. Full scale Current and Voltage inputs are typically measured within +/-0.1% of the reading in amplitude to at least 400kHz. The corresponding Power is typically measured to within +/-0.1% of the input Volt-Amperes to 200kHz and to within +/-0.2% of the input Volt-Amperes to 400kHz for loads of any Power Factor.In addition to the rms Voltage, rms Current, and mean square Power the Model 2330 watt meter also measures simultaneously the peak Voltage, the peak Current and the Frequency and calculates the Volt-Ampere product, the Power Factor and the Energy accumulated over a period of time from 1-99 hours. These functions may be displayed or may be read over the IEEE-488.2 interface.Refurbished
Used-Line Dealer since : 2000
Company info
Test Equipment Connection Corporation is your single source test & measurement solution. We offer over 400 test equipment manufacturers including Agilent, Tektronix, Anritsu, Rohde & Schwarz, Advantest, Megger, LeCroy, Chroma and Fluke, plus thousands of New, Used, Second Hand, Pre-Owned, Demo, Refurbished and Reconditioned test equipment products. Since 1993 we have been providing high quality spectrum analyzers, mobile phone testers, oscilloscopes, network analyzers, service monitors, RF amplifiers, broadband amplifiers, signal generators, OTDR, fusion splicers, and digital multimeters at great savings to over 200,000 customers worldwide. Lease or rent from us, and we can help manage your idle assets using our consignment program. Trade-in and upgrade services.
We are specialized in
Calibration, Data Acquisition, Generators, Metrology, Optics / FiberOptics, Oscilloscopes & Logic Analyzers, Power Products & Compliance Equipment, RF & Microwave, Telecom, Timers & Counters
Our Services
Rentals, Calibration, Repair, Market place
Our Sales Policy
Trade terms only with approved credit. We accept wire transfer and PayPal. Credit cards only from USA customers please.
Disributor of
Dranetz BMI, Fluke, Keysight Technologies (Agilent HP), LeCroy (Teledyne LeCroy)
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
Clarke Hess 2330