Categories: Pumps, Vacuum Gauges
Manufacturer: Granville Phillips
Condition: Used
Seller: Bid Service, LLC
MKS Granville Phillips 835100-YG-1D Vacuum Quality Monitor Gauge. Gauge used for RGA...
MKS Granville Phillips 835100-YG-1D Vacuum Quality Monitor Gauge. Gauge used for RGA System. The Granville-Phillipsreg; 835100-YG-1D Gauge for the VQM Vacuum Quality Monitor System measures 1 to 145 amu, with a demountable envelope. NEW, NEVER USED. 2 AVAILABLEInvNumber: 64669
Used-Line Dealer since : 1999
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
Granville Phillips 835100-YG-1D