Multi-Product Calibrator
The 5520A Multi-Product Calibrator sources direct voltage and current, alternating voltage and current with multiple waveforms and harmonics, two simultaneous voltage outputs or voltage and current to simulate dc and ac power with phase control, resistance, capacitance, thermocouples and RTDs. The 5520A can also measure thermocouple temperature, humidity (with probe) and pressure using one of 28 Fluke Calibration 700 Series pressure modules. Three options add the capability to calibrate oscilloscopes up to 1.1 GHz. And the 5520A-PQ Power Quality Option enables the 5520A to calibrate power quality instrumentation to the standards of the IEC and other regulatory agencies.
Wide workload coverage
Because it can calibrate so much of your workload, the 5520A makes your calibration investment go further. Instead of several instruments to purchase, maintain and transport, the 5520A combines all the capability in one compact, portable and affordable tool.
Easy to use
Though it can do a lot, the 5520A is simple to use. Its front panel is logically arranged and clearly labeled. And its bright LCD displays provide all the information you need at a glance. The 5520A is so intuitively easy to use, you’ll seldom need to consult the manual. For almost every operation, your hand moves naturally from left to right. Values are entered on the calculator-style keyboard. Output values can be stepped up or down easily in even decade multiples (1-2-5 sequence in scope mode) using the multiply and divide keys. You can even view the uncertainty for any value at the press of a key.
Versatile and flexible
The basic 5520A can tackle a tremendous amount of work. And as your workload changes, your 5520A can adapt. Three options are available to address the calibration requirements of oscilloscopes. If your workload is made up mostly of oscilloscopes up to 300 MHz bandwidth, the 5500A-SC300 option is an affordable solution. If your workload extends to 600MHz, the 5500A-SC600 adds complete, powerful oscilloscope calibration capability to your 5520A. The 5520A-SC1100 option enables the 5520A to calibrate all of your oscilloscopes up to 1.1 GHz with rise times to 300 ps – even 125 ps with the 5800A/TDP tunnel diode pulser option. Any of these options can be fitted at time of purchase, or added later as your needs change.
If three-phase power measurement tools are part of your workload, the 5520A can greatly simplify the task. Its phase locking capability makes it possible to “lock” three 5520As together to simulate three phase power up to nearly 21 kW with multiple waveforms, harmonics and precise phase control. Using this capability, you can also “sum” the current outputs of multiple 5520As to source 100A or more to directly verify current clamps or power transformers.
Portable and rugged
The 5520A isn’t limited to the controlled environment of the calibration lab. It’s made to go where the work is. It’s compact so it’s easy to take it where the work is. Its rugged construction means you don’t have to treat it like a delicate lab instrument. And it’s self-contained. No additional test pad is required.
A complete solution
Every 5520A is shipped with a certificate of calibration with results data, traceable to nationally recognized standards. When it comes time to recalibrate your instrument, Fluke service facilities are available worldwide to ensure the work is done right and quickly.
Compliance with quality standards made easy
With quality management standards like ISO 9000, there is a lot more to calibration than just making measurements. You also have documentation, control and reporting requirements to meet.
Our optional Microsoft Windows®-based 5500/CAL simplifies the documentation of your procedures, adequacy and traceability as required by ISO 9000 and other similar quality standards. It also collects and reports calibration results information and helps you to consistently, quickly and efficiently calibrate a wide variety of instruments. With it your entire calibration process — from creating and executing procedures through results data collection and reporting — can be automated. Thousands of procedures — and the list is growing — are included at no extra charge. They can be run as is or used as the basis to create your own new procedures.
5500/CAL is part of a suite of applications called MET/CAL® Plus. 5500/CAL is designed around RS-232 instrument control and operates with the 5500A, 5520A, and 5800A calibrators. If you need IEEE instrument control or want to automate the calibration of additional instruments, you can step up to MET/CAL® . And you can add test and measurement asset management capabilities with MET/TRACK.
All three applications are driven by a powerful, industry standard SQL data base server, SQL Anywhere® from Sybase, providing secure, dependable storage for your calibration information. And each application is completely modular so you can set up a single application on a personal computer or take advantage of its client/server design over your network.
Handheld and bench meters (analog and digital) up to 6 1/2 digits
Thermocouple and RTD thermometers
Process calibrators
Data loggers
Strip and chart recorders
watt meters
Power harmonics analyzers
Current clamps and clamp meters
Analog or digital handheld and bench oscilloscopes (with options)
Panel meter
Graphical multimeters
Power meters, disturbance analyzers, power quality monitors, recorders and other power quality related equipment (with option)