Synthesizer/Function Generator 0.1mHz-20MHz,
001 = Standard implementat. Universal European 220V
The Fluke PM5139-001 is a Synthesizer/Function Generator in standard implementation (Universal European 220 V).
Frequency range: 0.1 mHz - 20 MHz (20 Vpp)
High performance
In practice proved mechanical and electronic design
Large backlit display and easy menu controlled operation
Continuously variable symmetry
10 standard waveforms: sine, triangle, square, pos/neg pulse, pos/neg sawtooth, sine and triangle pulses, and haversine
Internal/external modulation modes: AM, FM, Lin, Sweep, Log. Sweep and Burst
24 arbitrary waveform memories
Arbitrary functionality supported via AnyWave softeware package
AnyWave software included
9 additional memories for store frequently used settings
Arbitrary-waveforms, Gate and PSK modulation
Selectable output impedance: 50 ohms or 600 ohms
GPIB (IEEE 488.2) interface oder RS232 interface (optional)
Programmable modulation frequencies
Low output impedance Zo
€ 1,599 (net) $1,919 (US)