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Categories: T&M, Resistors
Manufacturer: General Radio
Model: 1432
Condition: Used
Seller: Valuetronics International Inc
General Radio 1432J The 1432J is a decade resistor from General Radio. A decade resistor
The 1432J is a decade resistor from General Radio. A decade resistor is a type of electronic test equipment with a series of resistors, inductors, or capacitors to simulate specific electrical values. An engineer can replace any standard-value component in a circuit with a used or refurbished decade resistor because of its ability to configure to almost any value.
The Genrad Type 1432 Decade Resistor is an assembly of Type 510 Decade-Resistance Units in a single cabinet. Mechanical and electrical shielding of the units is provided by the rugged aluminum cabinet and panel, which completely enclose both the resistance units and switch contacts. The resistance elements have no electrical connection to the cabinet and panel, for which a separate shield is provided.
The decades are built in three-dial, four-dial, and five-dial assemblies. Each decade has eleven contact studs and ten resistance units, so that the dial values overlap. Positive detent mechanisms in conjunction with bar-type knobs permit the operator to sense the position of the switches without looking at the panel.
Winding methods are chosen to reduce the effects of residual reactances. The 1Ω, 10Ω, and 100Ω steps use winding techniques that minimize inductance. The 0.01Ω and 0.1Ω steps are straight wire and hairpin-shaped ribbon respectively, and the high valued units are straight wound on mica forms.
Decade resistors:
Seller Valuetronics International Inc
Used-Line Dealer since : 1999
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
General Radio 1432J