25 GHz Low Noise Trimode Probe w/ TekConnect Interface.
Unit sold with a valid calibration certificate and with 12 months warranty.
Bandwidth: 25 GHz to the probe tip
Industry's lowest probe and oscilloscope system noise
TriMode probe:
One setup, three measurements without adjusting probe tip connections (differential/single ended/common mode)
Remote head design connectivity:
Allows placement of probe amplifier close to the circuit being measured
Coaxial Adapters:
2.92 mm
P7500 probe tip adapter:
Use P7500 Series TriMode solder-in probe tips
Probe automatically detects tips and applies DSP correction filters
Probe-specific S-Parameters:
Unique DSP filters created from data stored in the probe
TekConnect Interface:
TekConnect scope/probe control and usability
Direct control from probe compensation box or from scope menu
Adapter: P76CA-xxx
Bandwidth: 25 GHz
Rise time (10-90%): 18 ps
Rise time (20-80%): 14 ps
Attenuation: 0.25X/0.5X/1X/2X/4X
Input voltage range: 1.2 V pp single-ended, 2 V pp differential
Operation voltage range: -4 V to +4 V
DC input resistance: 50 ohms +/- 2 ohms
€ 17,429 (net) $20,915 (US)