239 Visitors viewed Test Equipment Connection Corp. ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: Oscilloscopes, Miscellaneous Oscilloscopes
Manufacturer: LeCroy (Teledyne LeCroy)
Model: WaveSurfer 10
Condition: Used
Seller: Test Equipment Connection Corp.
Teledyne LeCroy WaveSurfer 10 The WaveSurfer 10 combines the MAUI advanced user interface
The WaveSurfer 10 combines the MAUI advanced user interface with powerful waveform processing, in addition to advanced math, measurement and debug tools, to quickly analyze and find the root cause of problems. With a 10.4" touch screen display, high performance hardware, and compact form factor the WaveSurfer 10 is unique among 1 GHz oscilloscopes.Key Features 1 GHz, 10 GS/s, 10 Mpts/ch MAUI - Advanced User Interfacenbsp;nbsp; Designed for Touch nbsp;nbsp; Built for Simplicity nbsp;nbsp; Made to Solve WaveScan - Advanced Search and Find LabNotebook Documentation and Report Generation 10.4 touch screen display Spectrum Analyzer Mode Power Analysis Softwarenbsp;nbsp; Serial Trigger and Decodenbsp;nbsp; I2C, SPI, UART nbsp;nbsp; CAN, LIN, FlexRay, SENT nbsp;nbsp; Ethernet 10/100BaseT, USB 1.0/1.1/2.0, USB2.0-HSIC nbsp;nbsp; Audio (I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM) nbsp;nbsp; MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429 nbsp;nbsp; MIPI D-PHY, DigRF 3G, DigRF v4 nbsp;nbsp; Manchester, NRZ Advanced Debug Toolkit adds:nbsp;nbsp; 10 GS/s on all 4 channels nbsp;nbsp; 16 Mpts/ch memory (32 Intlvd)nbsp;nbsp; Sequence Mode Segmented Memory nbsp;nbsp; History Mode Waveform Playback nbsp;nbsp; 13 Additional Math Operators nbsp;nbsp; 2 Math Functions WaveSurfer 10Refurbished
Seller Liberty Test Equipment, Inc.
Seller Valuetronics International Inc
Used-Line Dealer since : 2000
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(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
LeCroy WaveSurfer 10