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Categories: Analyzers Network, Network/Spectrum Analyzers
Manufacturer: Anritsu
Model: MS2035B
Condition: Used
Seller: Test Equipment Connection Corp.
The Race for Affordable S-Parameters Winner: Anritsu MS2035B VNA MasterModern RF/Microwave
The Race for Affordable S-Parameters Winner: Anritsu MS2035B VNA MasterModern RF/Microwave systems increasingly are pushing theirperformance to the limits of technology. Designers write tighter specificationson components and define more rigid signal parameters. All of which leaves FieldMaintenance Personnel scrambling to find more accurate and higher performancehandheld test equipment. Anritsu introduces industry's most affordable, yetcomprehensive solution, the MS2035B VNA Master + Spectrum Analyzer. It's aVector Network Analyzer, it's a Spectrum Analyzer, it's a Power Meter and it's aVector Voltmeter.It's tempting to think of the VNA Master as the "Swiss Army Knife ofS-Parameters". But that would be wrong because while a SAK does manydifferent functions, it doesn't do any one very well. Whereas the VNA Master(500 kHz to 6 GHz) does many measurements very well. Error-corrected VNAtechnology brings modern accuracy to the field S-parameters, external powersensors measure transmit power accurately and the Vector Voltmeter option phasematches cables with great precision.RF engineers and technicians in the field provide installation andmaintenance support for aerospace, defense, and general purpose communicationsystems around the world. These might typically include radars on Navy ships,communications on Army vehicles, flight-line test on Air Force and commercialjets. They support VHFRefurbished
Anritsu introduces the most affordable, yet comprehensive solution, the MS2035B VNA Master + Spectrum Analyzer. It is a Vector Network Analyzer, it is a Spectrum Analyzer, it is a Power Meter and it is a Vector Voltmeter.
It is tempting to think of the VNA Master as the "Swiss Army Knife of S-Parameters". But that would be wrong because while a Swiss Army Knife does many different functions, it does not do any one very well. Whereas the VNA Master (500 kHz to 6 GHz) does many measurements very well. Error-corrected VNA technology allows field analysis of S-parameters with benchtop accuracy. External power sensors measure transmit power accurately and the Vector Voltmeter option matches cable phase with great precision.
The MS2035B VNA Master + Spectrum Analyzer adds a powerful spectrum diagnostic capability in the field to the already powerful VNA Master! Don’t let the small footprint fool you; this combined instrument powerhouse offers performance and features that rival bench-top alternatives for simplifying spectrum monitoring, interference analysis, and other general purpose signal measurements in the field. A built-in pre-selector eliminates confusing spurious responses when doing interference test with many signals.
This combined spectrum analyzer offers significant new features such as an internal routine that optimizes sweeps at the fastest possible speed for the most accurate data displays. It also offers broad spectrum analysis frequency coverage, impressive dynamic range, and excellent phase noise performance from 100 kHz to 6 GHz.
The VNA Master + Spectrum Analysis includes many standard measurement sequences, including field strength, occupied bandwidth, channel power, adjacent channel power ratio, and carrier to interference (C/I) ratio. In addition, the built-in AM/FM/SSB demodulator simplifies the task of identifying interfering signals. Option 0509, AM/FM/PM Demodulation Analysis, provides powerful computation functions for displaying RF modulation spectrum and audio characterizations. Option 0025, Interference Analyzer, is particularly valuable for revealing co-location signal problems. Overall, the VNA Master + Spectrum Analyzer is a powerful handheld tool for general purpose spectrum analysis anywhere, anytime.
Spectrum analyzer specifications and features:
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Anritsu MS2035B