A Powerful Combination of Hardware and Software
The N5227B PNA network analyzer combines hardware and test software applications to deliver fast and accurate measurements for a variety of devices. Utilize network analysis software applications to explore, define, and resolve issues in your devices under test. Parameterize your amplifier, mixer, and frequency converter behavior with advanced test software applications including noise figure, EVM, and pulsed-RF.
Solve your most complicated measurement challenges with the N5227B VNA:
- Choose 2-port single-source or 4-port dual-source versions
- Leverage built-in pulse modulators and pulse generators for pulsed S-parameter measurements
- Get low receiver noise floor and high receiver compression level
- Achieve fast measurement speed: 3.6 to 23 μsec/point
- Measure S-parameters with the smallest uncertainty and highest stability
- Keysight N5227B Data sheet
- Keysight N5227B Configuration Guide
- Keysight N5227B User Manual