ENA Series Network Analyzer 100kHz-8.5GHz,
485 = 4-port test set 100kHz-8.5GHz with bias tees;
010 = Time domain;
019 = Standard hard disk;
UNQ = Standard stability timebase.
Unit with WIN XP Operation System.
Unit sold with a valid Keysight calibration and with 12 month warranty.
The E5071C is a network analyzer and offers the highest RF performance and fastest speed in its class, with a wide frequency range up to 20 GHz and versatile functions.
The E5071C has flexible configurations and you can select the number of ports, frequency and bias teas to fit your application.
Frequency Option: 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 14 and 20 GHz.
Port Configuration: 2 or 4 ports, plus flexible multiport configuration of up to 22 ports with E5092A multiport test set
Various test set selection: 9 kHz to 20 GHz, 2- or 4-port
Low trace noise: 0.004 dB rms at70 kHz IFBW
Wide dynamic range: > 123 dB
Fast measurement speed: 8 msec at full 2-port cal, 401 points
High temperature stability: 0.005 dB/oC
Balanced measurements (4-port option)
€ 27,000 (net) $32,400 (US)