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Categories: Calibrators, Standards, Calibration Kits
Manufacturer: Arra
Model: E9301A
Condition: Used
Seller: Instrumex GmbH
Keysight - E9301A valid calibration certifcate and with 12 months warranty.
Power Head 10MHz - 6GHz, 1nW-100mW. Unit sold with a valid calibration certifcate and with 12 months warranty.
€ 1,520 (net) $1,824 (US)
The E9301A power sensor measures average power over the frequency range 10 MHz to 6 GHz and power range -60 to +20 dBm (80 dB dynamic range).
Used with the Agilent E4418 (single-channel) and E4419 (dual-channel) EPM series power meters, the Agilent Technologies E-series E9300 power sensors can measure the average power of RF and microwave signals, regardless of the modulation format, over a wide 80 dB dynamic range (sensor dependent). E9300 power sensors are bandwidth independent, so you do not have to worry about matching sensor bandwidth to the modulation format of the signal under test. You can standardize on one power sensor for all of your average power measurement applications, eliminating the need to change sensors during measurement tasks and minimizing the cost of equipment.
The Agilent E-series E9300 power sensors employ a patented, diode-attenuator-diode topology that ensures the accuracy and repeatability of measurements across the full -60 to +20 dBm dynamic range. This technique has the advantage of always using diodes in their square-law region, where the output current and voltages respond accurately to different modulation formats. Each E9300 sensor has two measurements paths, one for high power between -10 and +20 dBm and one for lower power between -60 and -10 dBm. The sensor switches between power ranges quickly and automatically, thus providing the benefit of two power sensors in one. With a high maximum power specification of +25 dBm and peak power of +33 dBm (<10 microseconds duration), the E9300 sensors can handle the large crest factors typical of the newest signal modulation formats.The E9300 power sensors have exceptionally flat calibration factors across their entire frequency range, which allows you to select an appropriate calibration factor for your measurement, even when the test signals used are widely spaced in frequency. The E-series E9300 power sensors provide exceptionally low standing-wave-ratio (SWR). For example, SWR is 1.15 from 10 MHz to 2 GHz over 25 ± 100C. Low SWR means that mismatch uncertainty has been minimized and measurement accuracy improved.The design of the E9300 power sensors results in low harmonic generation when compared to other wide dynamic range sensors in use today. This design minimizes stray-signal reflections and helps ensure the accuracy of high power measurements.
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
Keysight E9301A